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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dr. Swift meets the doctors sluggish (The Loserly Legacy Ch. 2)

How bad can English scholarship get? Well, this old term-paper, earmarked for a collection of my various undergrad cud-chewings (working title: Purely Academic) plumbs the depths of the wretchedness! Possibly the scholarly journals are as bad as Maclean's?

### In progress -- i.e. still hunting through the office mess for the damn thing). Did I mention that the prof marking the paper said it was the first time she had ever seen a Playboy publication cited? A **FREE** dog-eared Norton Anthology to the first person to guess WHICH Playboy, um, autobiography (hint: famous guy using a stage-name; real surname Schneider). ###


Anonymous said...

The magazine the magazine!

Actually wait no, the magazine sometimes has good articles...

Jens Andersen, alleged critic said...

Oh it WAS something good, but not the magazine.

Hint: a book by a guy who has something in common with Jonathan Swift, who was legendary/notorious in his day, and who is still something of a byword for things scandalous, and, finally, who was (two years ago?) posthumously pardoned by Republican Governor Pataki of New York for crimes committed in the 60s.

(I'm thinking that these first two comments are going to look strange once the article is finished and my trivia question, about which Playboy publication was cited, gets expunged).

Book is an autobiography with a cute title. Has pictures of author handcuffed by police, a few photos of his wife, one of Hefner, and some ID with his REAL name(Schneider, but he is known by a showbiz name; ID is from WWII during a Navy stint, if memory serves; my copy is lost in office mess).

That should be enough clues, eh? ;]

Hee hee.

Jens Andersen, alleged critic said...

Oh okay, I'll stop teasing: the book cited was How to Talk Dirty and Influence People, by Lenny Bruce. A modern classicM